cultural characteristics. The Amish provide an easy example for understanding cultural divergence. They perceived themselves as empowered individuals, capable of making their own decisions, and able to make an impact on their own lives. If you are from a culture that values relationships rather than material objects, you may say no or focus on how the vehicle serves the family. This is so because three of the characteristics of globalization fits perfectly to such generalization namely connectivity, borderless globe and composite process. In the United States, business correspondence is expected to be short and to the point. View … Global Leadership: The leadership of individuals who influence and bring about significant positive changes in … Hidden differences: Doing business with the Japanese. This paper proposes a research idea in a diagrammatic presentation, with respect to the relations between two cultural dimensions, namely individualism and power distance, Footnote 1 with the six Kuznets’s economic divergence characteristics (KEDCs). Germans may also talk of social distinctions based on stereotyped personality traits attached to … The collectively owned resource returns benefits to the community. Discuss divergent cultural characteristics and list. Since the creation of the Ministry of Culture in 1976, this role has expanded to include a network of professional and amateur cultural organizations throughout the country. 13, Cross Cultural Counselling, pp. We all have viewpoints, but they are shaped by our interactions with our communities. Culture has five basic characteristics: It is learned, shared, based on symbols, integrated, and dynamic. Focusing on only one aspect of this process will cause us to miss the overall dialectical form of this historical development. The Xia period followed, between 4.0 and 3.8 ka BP . Example - Roman Empire (invaders introduced new cultural elements which led to the split of the Roman Empire Example - India (Hinduism until Islamic came into the area. As our understanding increases, uncertainty decreases, as does the information-seeking behavior. acculturation. As we get to know one another, our verbal communication increases and our uncertainty begins to decrease. Cultural divergence research papers. 18.4 Refining Your Writing: End-of-Chapter Exercises, Chapter 19: Developing Business Presentations, 19.4 Myths and Realities of Public Speaking, 19.5 Overcoming Obstacles in Your Presentation, 20.1 Principles of Nonverbal Communication, 20.5 Nonverbal Strategies for Success with Your Audience, 21.5 Organizing Principles for Your Speech, 22.1 Functions of the Presentation to Inform, 22.4 Diverse Types of Intelligence and Learning Styles, 22.6 Creating an Informative Presentation, 23.3 Functions of the Presentation to Persuade, 23.6 Speaking Ethically and Avoiding Fallacies, Chapter 24: Business Presentations in Action, Chapter 25: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Business Communication, 25.5 Rituals of Conversation and Interviews, Chapter 26: Negative News and Crisis Communication, Chapter 27: Intercultural and International Business Communication, 27.2 How to Understand Intercultural Communication, 27.5 International Communication and the Global Marketplace, Chapter 28: Group Communication, Teamwork, and Leadership. Think of a movie where one or more characters exemplify community-oriented values. – To compare and contrast the cultural characteristics of “high” and “low” performing hospitals in the UK National Health Service (NHS)., – A multiple case study design incorporating a purposeful sample of “low” and “high” performing acute hospital Trusts, as assessed by the star performance rating system., – These case studies suggest that “high” … Unless you are sensitive to cultural orientation and power distance, you may lose valuable information. In business, this is sometimes called a company culture, in the sense that people who work there tend to have similar characteristics, behaviors, and philosophies. Also note that the dinner invitation for 8 p.m. may in reality be more like 9 p.m. -cultural divergence-insularity-homogenization. Again, the skilled business communicator researches the new environment before entering it, as a social faux pas, or error, can have a significant impact. If you were to show up on time, you might be the first person to arrive and find that the hosts are not quite ready to receive you. The United States, Germany, and Switzerland are often noted as countries that value a monochromatic time orientation. Think of a movie where one or more characters exemplify individualism. Water, for example, has long been viewed as a community resource, much like air, but that has been changing as business and organizations have purchased water rights and gained control over resources. Collectivist cultures (Hofstede, G., 1982), including many in Asia and South America, focus on the needs of the nation, community, family, or group of workers. What an individual does reflects on the family and is carried by immediate and extended family members. Cultural viewpoint is not an either/or dichotomy, but rather a continuum or range. Power, status, and behavioral expectations may all be understood, and to the person from outside this culture, it may prove a challenge to understand the rules of the context. Geert Hofstede discusses this relationship of time orientation to a culture as a “time horizon,” and it underscores the perspective of the individual within a cultural context. We can see it during business negotiations, where it may make an important difference in the success of the organizations involved. Cultural institutions before 1959 were … If you are from a low-power distance culture, your answer might be “no problem.” In low-power distance cultures, according to Hofstede, people relate to one another more as equals and less as a reflection of dominant or subordinate roles, regardless of their actual formal roles as employee and manager, for example. aims to represent the relevance of values and characteristics reflected in the advertisements to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions for Sweden and Pakistan. Historically, this occurred through migration, trade and other … We know that we will have a globalized future, … Sustainable Tourism: Definition, Characteristics & Examples ... ON CULTURE: Does cultural convergence/cultural divergence exist with regard to non … Social beliefs and customs practiced in Spain areinfluenced by the local religion and traditions. Cultural Interaction. Greece, Italy, Chile, and Saudi Arabia are countries where one can observe this perception of time; business meetings may be scheduled at a fixed time, but when they actually begin may be another story. Australia and japan: cultural divergence and convergence: the fiscal. Artifacts of the past provide insights into where we came from. cultural divergence. Even the multitasker from a monochromatic culture will, for example, recognize the value of work first before play or personal time. While there may be a respect for tradition, there is also an emphasis on personal representation and honor, a reflection of identity and integrity. The Victorian “rags to riches” novels that Horatio Alger wrote promoted the ideal that individuals can overcome all obstacles, raising themselves up by their bootstraps. Consider the movie you noted in the first of the. Thus, “the assertive pole has been called ‘masculine’ and the modest, caring pole ‘feminine.’ The women in feminine countries have the same modest, caring values as the men; in the masculine countries they are somewhat assertive and competitive, but not as much as the men, so that these countries show a gap between men’s values and women’s values” (Hofstede, G., 2009). 12 Examples of Cultural Diffusion posted by John Spacey, September 26, 2016 updated on July 19, 2020. The Great Divergence or European miracle is the socioeconomic shift in which the Western world (i.e. We can see it during business negotiations, where it may make an important difference in the success of the organizations involved. Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese developed uncertainty reduction theory to examine this dynamic aspect of communication. The Victorian “rags to riches” novels that Horatio Alger wrote promoted the ideal that individuals can overcome all obstacles, raising themselves up by their bootstraps. compare it to the average sun-pluto distance and to the distance to alpha centauri, the nearest star to the sun, which is 4.3 light-years distant. People in individualistic cultures value individual freedom and personal independence, and cultures always have stories to reflect their values. Public lands, such as parks, are often considered public, and individual exploitation of them is restricted. The Victorian … Cultural landscapes are combinations of physical features, agricultural, and industrial practices, religious, and linguistic characteristics, evidence of sequent and land use patterns ... and creating cultural convergence and divergence. We are born light- or dark-skinned, to parents of education or parents without access to education, and we grow up short or tall, slender or stocky. Culture reflects how a group of people live their lives. We are born light- or dark-skinned, to parents of education or parents without access to education, and we grow up short or tall, slender or stocky. According to the differences in cultural characteristics, it is divided into two periods: the early Longshan culture (4.8–4.6/4.5 ka BP) and the late Longshan culture (4.6/4.5–4.0 ka BP). What differences we recognize and the meanings we assign those differences are all culturally determined and not biologically created. Paternalistic leaders provide care, nurturance, and guidance to employees in their professional and personal lives in a parental manner, and, in exchange, expect loyalty and deference from employees. cultural divergence. All cultures share these basic features. If you are working with people from a high-power distance culture, you may need to take extra care to elicit feedback and involve them in the discussion because their cultural framework may preclude their participation. Culture’s consequences (2nd ed.). We are born light- or dark-skinned, to parents of education or parents without access to education, and we grow up short or tall, slender or stocky. Again, the skilled business communicator researches the new environment before entering it, as a social faux pas, or error, can have a significant impact. Pages 43 Ratings 83% (6) 5 out of 6 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 19 - 21 out of 43 pages. When experiencing high levels of uncertainty, communication will feature more reciprocity, or displays of respect. New York, NY: Doubleday. Noun Acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture . Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development: Vol. Take a business letter or a page of a business report from a U.S. organization and try rewriting it as someone from a highly indirect, relational culture might have written it. He found that in individualistic cultures like the United States and Canada, people value individual freedom and personal independence, and perceive their world primarily from their own viewpoint. For example, if you send a thank-you note the morning after being treated to a business dinner, your host will appreciate your promptness. We are born light or dark skinned, to parents of education, or parents without access to education, and we … cultural divergence. An ethnic group refers to people who are closely related to each other through characteristics such as culture, language, and religion. Hidden differences: Doing business with the Japanese. You can set up to 7 reminders per week. The United States and Japan are often noted as materialistic cultures, while many Scandinavian nations feature cultures that place more emphasis on relationships. culture on HRM practices and policies is particularly convincingly claimed by the proponents of the cultural divergence perspective (Holden, 2001), who suggest that cultural differences cause differences in organisational behaviour including work motivation, communications, conflicts, work-orientation, definition of goals, In a high-power distance culture, you would probably be much less likely to challenge the decision, to provide an alternative, or to give input. Article Download PDF View Record in Scopus Google Scholar. Cultural convergence? He contends that the convergence in society will stay in local area only, as the culture converge in a region that have nothing in common with neighboring regions. This range of difference is one aspect of intercultural communication that requires significant attention when the business communicator enters a new environment. (2003). Carley Dodd discusses this difference and has found quite a range of difference. A sense of shame for the family and community is also observed across generations. Higher levels of uncertainty are associated with a decrease in the indication of liking the other person, while reductions in uncertainty are associated with liking the other person more. Business Communication for Success by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Tags: Question 6 . New York, NY: Doubleday. Discussion Cultural Divergence Axelrod (1997) argued in his model that local convergence may cause global polarization. We'll email you at these times to remind you to study. We can observe this difference in where people gather, how they interact, and how they dress. Learning Objective Discuss divergent cultural characteristics and list several examples of such characteristics in the culture (s) you identify with. Native American cultures are known for holding a long-term orientation, as illustrated by the proverb attributed to the Iroquois that decisions require contemplation of their impact seven generations removed. Write a brief statement and share with classmates. But beyond that, do the make and model reflect their personality? We are born light- or dark-skinned, to parents of education or parents without access to education, and we grow up short or tall, slender or stocky. Next: 27.5 International Communication and the Global Marketplace, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Divergence hypothesis starts with the attitude that cultural determinant is stronger in shaping of usual, everyday behaviour of employees and managers in companies (Ralston, et al., 1997). Let’s examine several points of divergence across cultures: Individualistic versus Collectivist Cultures People in individualistic cultures value individual freedom and personal independence, and cultures always have stories to reflect their values. The collectively owned resource returns benefits to the community. Polychromatic time looks a little more complicated, with business and family mixing with dinner and dancing. Convergence and divergence of paternalistic leadership: A cross-cultural investigation of prototypes. Does the car someone drives say something about them? Whereas a U.S. business negotiator might enthusiastically agree to try a new procedure, the Egyptian counterpart would likely refuse to get involved until all the details are worked out. Journal of Development Economics, 122 (2016), pp. Cultural Convergence. Following verbal communication, nonverbal communication increases, uncertainty continues to decrease, and more nonverbal displays of affiliation, like nodding one’s head to indicate agreement, will start to be expressed. If you are from a materialistic culture, you may be inclined to say yes. Following verbal communication, nonverbal communication increases, uncertainty continues to decrease, and more nonverbal displays of affiliation, like nodding one’s head to indicate agreement, will start to be expressed. Power, status, and behavioral expectations may all be understood, and to the person from outside this culture, it may prove a challenge to understand the rules of the context. Cultures have distinct orientations when it comes to rules, uncertainty, time and time horizon, masculinity, directness, materialism, and power distance. When in doubt, always ask before the event; many people from polychromatic cultures will be used to foreigner’s tendency to be punctual, even compulsive, about respecting established times for events. Human communication Research, 1, 99–112. We are not created equal. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Cultural divergence Religion is a part of many people's lives. Cultures in the Arab world, for example, are high in uncertainty avoidance; they tend to be resistant to change and reluctant to take risks. At first we pull together, and then we push apart, in search of both universal recognition and solidarity within a particular group. Do you know the rules of your business or organization? Dodd, C. (1998). Cuba - Cuba - Cultural life: Cuban culture has undergone a major transformation since the revolution, and the government has come to play a leading role in it. Some people do have amazing stories, but even if you are quick to point out that Microsoft founder Bill Gates became fabulously successful despite his lack of a college education, know that his example is exception, not the rule. While all … People evaluate things around them based on systematic cultural values. Outsiders often communicate their “otherness” by not knowing where to stand, when to sit, or how to initiate a conversation if the rules are not clearly stated. The skilled business communicator is aware of this difference and takes steps to anticipate it. find the semi-major axis of this comet’s orbit. Business in the United States has a masculine orientation—assertiveness and competition are highly valued. Water, for example, has long been viewed as a community resource, much like air, but that has been changing as business and organizations have purchased water rights and gained control over resources. You may belong to some communities that express individualistic cultural values, while others place the focus on a collective viewpoint. Copper, a metal with a variety of industrial applications, is collectively owned in Chile, with profits deposited in the general government fund. Cultures in the Arab world, for example, are high in uncertainty avoidance; they tend to be resistant to change and reluctant to take risks. Originally, all human beings shared similar cultures, during the period when humans were primarily hunter/gatherers. In monochromatic time, interruptions are to be avoided, and everything has its own specific time. Despite an increasingly interconnected globe, cultural divergence still exists and plays a key role in people’s ideology. Historically, this occurred through migration, trade and other interactions between cultures such as warfare. Cultural memory is a form of collective memory shared by a group of people. Geert Hofstede discusses this relationship of time orientation to a culture as a “time horizon,” and it underscores the perspective of the individual within a cultural context. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for … Defining Characteristics broad influence of cultural _____ divergence from _____ When experiencing high levels of uncertainty, the communication interaction is not as personal or intimate. Many countries in Asia, influenced by the teachings of Confucius, value a long-term orientation, whereas other countries, including the United States, have a more short-term approach to life and results. Originally, all human beings shared similar cultures, during the period when humans were primarily hunter/gatherers. Define the characteristics, attitudes, and traits that influence geographers when they study culture. We can observe this difference in where people gather, how they interact, and how they dress. View Activity Cultural Richness What activities or characteristics help define a culture? Discuss divergent cultural characteristics and list several examples of such characteristics in the culture(s) you identify with. From rocks that display beauty and wealth—what we call jewelry—to what you eat—will it be lobster ravioli or prime rib?—we express our values and cultural differences with our purchase decisions. Married women wear wedding rings on their right hands asopposed to the left hand. We all may use the advantages of our circumstances to improve our lives, but the type and extent of those advantages vary greatly across the planet. New York, NY: Harper & Row. Some explorations in initial interactions and beyond: Toward a fevelopmental theory of interpersonal communication. Oyserman, Lee, 2008 . Religion can be very influential to a culture with the values and moral standards outlined in the belief system. They perceived themselves as empowered individuals, capable of making their own decisions, and able to make an impact on their own lives. This was the transitional period from a Neolithic settlement society to a civilization with a state prototype … Cultures differ in how they view material objects and their relationship to them, and some value people and relationships more than the objects themselves. Q. Cultural Divergence in Cross-border Marr .... Search in: Advanced search. If you are from a materialistic culture, you may be inclined to say yes. The dynamics of cultural globalization encompass both push and pull. Therefore, cultural … You may belong to some communities that express individualistic cultural values, while others place the focus on a collective viewpoint.
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