Heavy .44 Magnum Ammo - 270 gr. The second time it was dead calm, but it sure wasn’t a 16ft spray. Show me on the doll where the handgun touched you. That sentence wasn’t even English. Hell, no. Unless it’s dead calm, you better be sure you know what direction the wind is blowing. As well as having a quick reload at hand rather than in a pack. Designed and created for the purpose of optimizing the full capabilities of the 44 Magnum’s true power. ….. I’m kidding, of course! I bothered to read the articles about last week’s the bear attack in Florida, unlike you. Click bait makes me so mad I wish I had a .44 magnum! DO NOT SEE THE MTN LIONS MUCH BUT THEY ARE OUT THERE AS SEE THE TRACKS AND A GLANCE OUT THE WINDOW ONCE IN A WHILE. Read owners manual! Best .44 Magnum Ammo 1. I’m certain this is the most butthurt I’ve made anyone on this website since that crazed lefty threatened to sue me. And if you want grownups to take you seriously, you really do have to stop sounding just like Jesse Pinkman. not a bear,but i shot a large steer(1200lbs) between the eyes with a ruger blackhawk 44 mag. this SHOULD BE A LEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR ALL OF US Or they hiding behind a badge as a bunch of flaming hypocrites? At this kind of range the accuracy of the longer barrel doesn’t much matter nor does the penetration, which doesn’t much matter anyway. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. I carry a 6 inch Redhawk with 325 grain hard cast lead handloads when I go to Grizzly country. MY HOG BACK UP IS MY SHORT BARREL S&W .44 THO HAVE YET HAVE ONE TO GET UP FROM REM .308 HOG HAMMERS. Do you actually think that you impress anyone by imitating other men? The number of large caliber rifle rounds that came out of that bastard were truly frightening. Make sure to have several encounters. David was along as an observer. WTF is your .44 doing up in a tree without your butt still attached to it? Besides, it only takes one trip for things to go bad…potentially. Forgot to ask said bear “Are you feeling lucky, punk”. I use Lyman no. Hornady Leverevolution 225gr. He took that bear with his Stalker……..and a great ad for that gun was a pic of Larry standing and facing the end wall of the cabin after the storm, with the bear mounted flat on the wall. Should be easy to find if they are out there. The shortest route would have been straight downhill, but they did not know the location of the bear. Although I seldom agreed with Jeff Cooper he was right when he said that if you use a handgun as an offensive weapon its tantamount to committing suicide no matter what the caliber. This holster always lives on the outside of my outermost coat. I have an Idea when you put the barrel of the Rifle in the Bears mouth how about you pull the trigger, but that’s just me. (THIS IS A SEPARATE SUBJECT. We have to do better. When I worked as a hunting guide, my boss introduced me to our hunters as “PETA Joe”, do to my love of critters, I don’t trust bears, they’re hard to make friends with. If you have been paying attention to the Teaching Examples in class, you might have picked up on the fact that things rarely go according to plan… your conditioned response is what you will default to. Admit that you made a mistake, “Hank”, and that you were wrong, and apologize. Only Rory carried a rifle, a Remington model 700, semi-customized in the wildcat 6.5mm-06 caliber. Best 10mm Ammo for Bear Defense on Sale; Bulk 10mm Auto Ammo FAQ; Best Cheap 10mm Bulk Ammo on Sale; 10mm Defense Ammo FAQ Which is stronger 44 mag or 10mm?.44 Magnum is about 22% more powerful than 10mm out of a pistol, and about 29% more powerful out of a 16" rifle barrel. Whether it was the spray or the gunshot, the bear left the scene and did not attack Sommers again. Dean Weingarten is a fear salesman, and not just in this article, but most of his others. But nothing against bears, but they can be very unpredictable. 35 Results Found. She still almost reached me, plowing up dirt about 2 feet in front of me when she died. It was a 12-year-old dry sow. They don’t. What is the title of Craig Boddington’s book? 6m! The full account is worth reading for anyone interested in the dynamics of bear attacks and the effectiveness of pistols for defense against bears. We must not have read the same post. Also seen in the class was the Taurus Raging Bull revolver in .454 Casull. Shop online for the best 44 Rem Mag ammunition from top brands including Hornady, Winchester and Federal. These men are obviously experienced outdoorsmen, and did many things right. The bear, during the attack, moved from one hunter to the other, giving Doug the chance to access Reed’s .44 magnum, that had been hung in a tree. The animal was only 7-8 yards away, but the cover was so thick, they could not see it. He was a dumb ass. Even sleeping! As important as it is to discuss grizzly bear eradication I hope you’ll all indulge me for a few minutes while I make a suggestion or two regarding the manner in which we exchange opinions on grizzly bear wrestling. Anybody at all? It is better to have and not need than to need and not have, in my opinion. The following.44 Mag ammo is at the top when choosing rounds for hunting. Elevated them to cult status, whether they deserve it or not. I saw a buckle with a strap running through it. So, your friend may have downed a black bear with his 9, I don’t think I would bet my life on one. Want to feel fear for the right reasons? CALLED BUFFALO BOAR AND USING ONE OF ROUNDS THEY RECOMMENDED FOR MY SITUATION AND BEARS. We are so thankful you both are still alive and there was no life threatening injuries. The .44 Remington Magnum, or simply .44 Magnum (10.9×33mmR), and frequently .44 Mag, is a large-bore cartridge originally designed for revolvers. ©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included. My hope was that the shot would sting the bear and help scare him away along with the flame and loud report. ONE DEAD HIKER EMPTIED .38 IN HIM AND CAN SEE HOW WELL THAT WORKED. Shipping: Free to High. “Why the Alaskan was designed as a snubbie? I haven’t seen anyone advocate using a pistol as an offensive weapon for bears in this thread, or in the article, it is specifically about using a pistol as a defensive weapon on a charging bear. If a bear is charging at… Read more ». A large animal was crashing through the undergrowth. Bear spray is worthless – I’ve used it three times. All of your comments are irrelevant. We have cougars here in Virginia but no problem. I’ll have to ask what brand he has. I have hunted many a whitetail with the .44 Magnum and put down many a feral hog as well. When I test sprayed it, there was the slightest cross wind. Don’t know if anyone else remembers his encounter in Alaska with a grizz……that had been following him and a guide in a bad storm. Never go hunting alone, very bad idea which… Read more », I also carry a similar Taurus Tracker in .44 Mag when I hunt anything (OK, not when dove hunting). Or at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. You might have learned that if you didn’t try to snub total strangers over the internet and instead tried to speak as intelligently as the author just did when he disputed my claims just now. My point being as in a situation like that my bear repellent is not in my hand and my firearm is especially if I’m trying to save my son’s life I’m not going to make a decision other than to pull the trigger as many times as I can. I distinctly remembered this one! As stated by Marshall and Sanow in “Stopping Power”, “As a general trend, and all else being equal, stopping power increases as the size of the recovered bullet increases.”, In addition, their table “Caliber Comparison” on page 335 shows a significant advantage for .45 ACP over .38.special. You have a bone to pick with Dean and your bias is showing thru. Compared to pretty much every other mammal, humans are easy to put out of action. Dave noted the FWP officers were all armed with shotguns and had loaded pistols on their hips. and for one FK BEAR SPRAY and any game warden who thinks that should be a hunter’s FIRST CHOICE IS JUST A DUMB ASS. I had also noticed that your post of 13:49 was damned good. Your comment is just what the doctor ordered. You seem to excel at hindsight. The article was about pistols being used to defend against bears. As a 44 magnum? You should instead be astonished of its success and dominance instead of blaming it on things like you’re made up fake news. To give folks working in dangerous animal country a very portable self defense tool. Been within 25 yards of bears but never without a suitable firearm and almost always knowing the bear was where it was before seeing it. The bear dropped Rory and spun toward him. Because so many hunters got bowled over, mauled,and prevented from shooting straight when they tried to shoot from underneath a grizz with long-barreled handguns. Try to avoid the bear while leaving was the only thing they did right. Retailer Updated; 2AWarehouse - 6 Million Rounds Of 9mm In Stock - Shop Now! I’m not criticizing him for that, but he didn’t say it was his research. As it came directly above them, about 30 yards away, they could see bushes move. I’ve always heard that you don’t hunt bears, they hunt you. David Buckallew said “I will depend on my .44 magnum.”. I used to carry the same model in .357 Mag, and had a close encounter of the PO’d kind with an angry 250 pound feral hog. For a bear cartridge anything equal to or more powerful than a .41 Magnum or .44 Magnum will be fine. As for his own writing, yeah, I sure do criticize it. Dave did not try another shot. No, but if he can’t get his long gun out it’s better than a knife or bare hands (pardon the pun). As the bear lunged for his face, Rory instinctively blocked with his right arm. NOT UNUSUAL TO HAVE BEARS CLOSE TO CABIN EATING BERRIES OR GETTING A DRINK. But I can count ’em well enough to know it was a lot more than the tiny sample of 29 that he cherry-picked to scare you. The period of time for their data set was from 1883 to 2009. The bullet went alongside the bear’s head, into its neck, penetrating the chest cavity. However, I’ve learned a few things. Having said that it sounds like they both behaved incredibly well given the situation, and were lucky rather than smart. A bear spray salesman. Good placement and a heavy bullet at a decent speed. I live in Kodiak and know his story well and the people involved. 2. From  thegreatwhitehunter.com: When Reed distracted the bear from its attack on me, I had time to concentrate on the holster. His father has tried in vain to get this sad lad committed to a psychiatric treatment facility for years with zero success. akgunner’s comment HELPS people and makes them smarter. I know a guy who emptied his 9mm into a Black Bear…killed it well enough. That might be the reason. But how much time have you spent in the far northern woods so far in your life? After long experience, I can comfortably say that Black Hills’ 240gr round is probably the premiere slayer of mid-sized game in this caliber. I forgot to mention it, and you should get credit where credit is due. It stretched from the peak of the cabin to the ground. When one of us has an animal down, one guts, the other stays ready for a bear. You would think anyone carrying a revolver into harm’s way would know all the ins and outs of his revolver. Most of us that work in the AK Back Country will carry bear spray and a firearm (12-gauge or .44 Mag). No it didn” t. So, people are mauled by bears. I’ve clearly enraged you to the point where your more of a danger to yourself and others. His next round was meant for the bear’s shoulder, but the situation was dynamic. (It’s the one with the “18:26” time-stamp). 10mm vs. .44 Magnum for Bear Protection. Your cigarettes. Or can’t hunt them easily/legally so shoot yourself a moose and wait around for the main event? No big bears. Apparently, he did not tread well. Oh, and the other key to using .44 Magnum to successfully stop a large grizzly bear attack is HAVING IT ON YOUR PERSON. Dave said you could hear the loud breath of the bear, but there were no warning growls, or other sounds from the bear. Then and ONLY then, when the bear is at less than arms length may they upgrade their defense. Again, I’m not saying this because I necessarily disagree with you, I’m saying it because it hurts your own cause. Backpack straps and holstered guns don’t get along well. I’ve also bothered to read Weingarten’s stuff for years. Most are best suited to whitetail deer hunting, although, with proper placement, can be used on big game such as black bear, elk or wild hogs. For hiking and camping, I prefer a chest rig. But don’t discredit the effectiveness of bear spray in preventing many bear vs man encounters. Go outside and smoke a cigarette or something. As a firefighter for 25 years in a major urban dept. No, Dean said he read someone else’s reseach (“greatwhitehunter”), and he provided a link to read it.It’s fine that he did so. That same bullet in a .357 Magnum exits a four-inch barrel upwards of 1,400 fps. A 9, 38, or 45 isn’t an adequate round for something as large as a bear, with think hide, fur and muscles. I agree with what you say about the .38 in a large animal. I spray with mine regularly, even though I have to buy a lot more of it, both for practice and for making sure it’s as potent as can be. I carry both, with bear spray on my left side and a .44 on my right, so IF the bear spray fails I’m not completely f-ed. Many bear attacks happen in brush where a shorter draw is preferable. Any dolls at all? He plainly states that he was researching attacks where pistols where used in defense. As I pulled the revolver out, a sudden calm came over me, and I knew everything would be fine. It’s similar to the one my cousin uses. WTF are you doing using a holster you are not absolutely certain how to operate? He must have had one good time with that fiberglass on this side. Until it happens to you, you will never know. I personally always carry a revolver my rifle and a large knife plus extra ammo I can reach immediately in case I need to reload. revolver, I agree all preparations should have been made prior to the hunt. https://www.nrafamily.org/articles/2017/7/6/handguns-for-defense-in-bear-country/ The FWP helicopter, Two Bear Air, arrived. It seems a lot of armchair critics have a lot to say; things they presume to have learned from a great deal of personal inexperience.. Rory D, is that you? He includes several photographs. he had fired a round out of his BOLT ACTION rifle as the bear charged. When in bear territory I try to carry my Browning .50 caliber with a short barrel. Your comment here is snarky and uneducated. Note that the .38 Long Colt used in the Philipines was even less powerful than the .38 special, and US troops did in fact prefer the .45 Colt revolver to the .38 Long Colt. Craig Boddington’s new book dispels the myth that carrying a handgun in big bear country is effective in stopping a bear. You write em and put your name on ’em, you have to do that heavy lifting. Bear Defense: Essential Gear I cast and powder coat these: For those who want to pass on the recoil of the .454, the Ruger Alaskan also comes in .44 Magnum. I CARRY BEAR SPRAY FOR DOGS NOT BEARS. Dave told me he informed the Fish, Wildlife and Park (FWP) officers where each shot had connected, and they told him he had been within a couple of inches for all three hits. (Another was uncovered after I wrote the last article.) Can we talk about this subject anymore? Keith’s goal was to make an all-purpose round to be manufactured by theRemington Arms Co.Remington produced the cartridge but it was slated to be used in the Smith & WessonModel 29. I’m sure that by now you’ve all heard about famous Alaskan bear guide Phil Shoemaker (grizzlyskinsofalaska.com), who thwarted a grizzly attack with a Smith & Wesson 9mm automatic, loaded with Buffalo Bore hard cast ammunition. Dave says he doesn’t know if it was the three solid hits with a .44 magnum, or the muzzle blast of the revolver into the bear’s face that turned the bear. It’s good to be prepared regardless how many times you visit the wilderness. People must do that. The240-grain slug went through the bears neck. I could not figure out how it held the gun in place, so I grabbed the buckle and attempted to rip it off. Best thing in the world? And I’m sick with the flu,so I’m goofing off in this pathetic comments section. Heavy 44 Magnum Field Proven pistol and handgun ammo. Most people in a deadly fight are not able to count their shots. The key to using .44 Magnum to successfully stop a large grizzly bear attack is using heavy, hardcast lead bullets and having a 6+ inch barrel to boost muzzle velocity (over short-barreled revolvers). In his research of hundred’s of bear attacks the people who used handguns usually did not survive the attack. Description Grains FPS Rounds Price PPR. No problem. And you have no idea how much anybody here spends in Bear Country. 44 Mag - Black Hills Remington JHP: 300gr: n/a: 50 $ 56.99: $1.14: SelwayArmory. It immediately blew enough of it back in my own face that had it been a defensive use, it would have made matters worse. Yes I’m sure you’ve read 12,000 books on bear attacks and subscribe to bear attack monthly while you work out to bear attack shows. Had he chosen to come my direction, there’s no telling what would have happened. Kinda says what needs to be said comparing us to bears. I commend a father or anyone that would stick around to do what he could for a person being attacked by a grizzly. TRAIN accordingly, and often. This is a website about guns, not WebMD. Likely been in a group home since his folks could no longer care for him. Then they heard it. Some of them are like a fog. I’m pretty sure you are talking about an “excavator” not an escalator. Sommers was blinded by the spray and the blood. Rory carried a Glock model 20 in 10mm. He knew he was out of ammunition. Please don’t take out your rage on your wife or kids tonight. He got himself and his girlfriend killed. If you end up underneath a Grizzly that mauling your ass “pre-shot and still-biting-you” there’s a common, two word, phrase for that kind of situation. That is a big difference. These men are relatives of mine and wouldn’t be afraid to go anywhere with them in the wild and beautiful… Read more ». So, are you always this lazy or were you “special” just for today. $44.36. This is A Lesson. Dave had shot the bear off of Rory before massive damage was done to his arm. The dog was close enough however that the spray did hit the dog right in the face. Doc Best 44 Mag Ammo For Bear Protection BY Best 44 Mag Ammo For Bear Protection in Articles Shop for Low Price Best 44 Mag Ammo For Bear … ON OCCASION DO ALSO CARRY MY 870 PUMP GUN IN 12 GA WITH RIFLED BARREL WITH SLUGS , SLUGS AND BUCKSHOT AND JUST BUCKSHOT WHEN MOSTLY THINK I MAY NEED TO COVER SNAKES, BEARS AND LIONS ALL IN SAME WANDERING. By this time it was afternoon. Unfortunately, most everything else on this page is hogwash! He’s read some books so he’s an expert.
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